
Experience Elmbrook Church
Check out the Explore Track!

A church should feel like a family – a place to be known and an encouraging environment to grow. That's why we created the Explore Track. It's an intentional path designed to help you experience community, be discipled in your faith walk, uncover your unique gifts and put them to use, and share the love of Christ daily with others.

The Explore Track is your starting point to experiencing more than just weekend services. Discover your purpose and start living out all that God has for you! Questions? Contact Don Dowdy.


Everyone wants to find a place to feel known and connected. Whether you're new to church, new to Elmbrook, or you've been around for a while, Explore Elmbrook (formerly Elmbrook NEXT) will help you find your place within the church family. This 4 week class will help you understand the foundation of Elmbrook. Here's what you can look forward to:

    • Discover all the ways to connect so Elmbrook feels like home.
    • Connect with others and begin to build community.
    • Learn about Elmbrook's history, mission & values, so you can become Rooted in Jesus & Released to His mission.
    • Have the opportunity to become an Elmbrook member.

We all want to grow and learn – in our careers, relationships, and our faith! But sometimes, knowing exactly what steps to take to experience growth can be hard. Explore Growing Faith is an 8-week greenhouse for your faith and relationship with the Lord experienced in a small group. Here's what you can look forward to:

  • Build a stronger foundation to your faith.
  • Reinvigorate your daily walk with God.
  • Sharpen your impact in the lives of others.
  • Experience what a Life Group is like and connect with an on-going Life Group after the class.

Jesus says, " Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matt. 28:19-20a) But it's hard to imagine what this can look like in our daily lives, especially in our changing world.

Explore Mission will challenge and equip you to make a difference in the world around you. You can have an impact! Here's what you can look forward to:

  • Explore how Elmbrook is making a difference in local and global communities.
  • Find places for personal outreach through Elmbrook ministries like James Place and our local partners.
  • Renew your perspective on the Great Commission and how you can live a missional life.

