Parent Resources

Parenting today is more challenging than ever. The good news is that we don’t need to be perfect people or perfect parents; that isn’t possible. God has asked us to be faithful, to apologize, to confess, and to lean hard into HIS grace and provision. At Elmbrook, we want to support you as you seek to raise healthy kids. We have collated our favorite parenting resources on the most pressing topics so that you have a place to go for those complicated parenting questions.

Are we missing a topic? Check out our favorite “go-to” sites or email us to have your request added to our list.

The online world is the real world for kids, and it comes with its own joys as well as dangers. As digital natives, they have only known a world with the internet and devices. And with that comes a whole new set of issues for us to address as parents. The world of technology is moving so fast that as soon as you think you know the new app that kids are using to evade their parents, there is a new one. Here are some of our favorite resources to help you navigate technology with your child:

It is no secret that there is a mental health crisis for our young people. As parents seeking to love and raise our children well, this can be overwhelming, paralyzing, and, at times, isolating. As a church, we want to be here for you through it all! While some resources are age-specific, most of the content is transferable across ages.

Mental Health for Young Kids:

Mental Health for Teenagers:

Where do babies come from? Is anyone ever really prepared for that question? “The Talk” has gotten a lot more complicated! It goes way beyond how babies are made, and includes porn, gender identity, sexual identity, sexting, and the list goes on. We know it feels more daunting than ever. Many of us are parenting teens who have already made decisions about sex or sexuality and are looking for help in how to respond.

Paid Resources:

If we're fortunate, we get to spend 1-3 hours a week with your child at church. During that time, we do our best to guide them toward Jesus by delving into the Bible, praying together, and engaging in discussions. But let's be honest, it's not a whole lot of time. Our goal is to spark their curiosity about knowing God so that when they leave us, they continue seeking the Lord because of their personal connection with Him. However, the reality is that YOU spend way more time with children than we do, and your spiritual influence is enormous.


Jen Akin
Discipleship Ministries Pastor/Elder
Jacquelyn Molitor
High School Ministry Director
Mark McCutcheon
Middle School Ministry Pastor
Ashleigh Owens
Camp Vertical Director
Jewel Richardson
Preschool & LEAP Coordinator
Angela Schoepp
Nursery Coordinator